Do you know why our Coptic Orthodox Saints are so important to us?

The saints are members of our family who have struggled like us, loved our Lord Jesus Christ, and won the crown of eternal life. They are now in the paradise of joy. They and us are members of the same one Coptic Orthodox Church: they are the triumphant members who are now in heaven, and we are the members who are still on earth hoping to go to heaven.
They always pray for us and for the salvation of the whole world, and we venerate them as our holy and dear friends and family members.
We venerate their icons and put them on the Iconstasis (icon-stand), the walls and the doors of the Church. In our houses and homes, offices and cars we also have icons and pictures of saints. These are all signs of our communion with them in the Lord Jesus Christ.
We are so lucky to have so many saints in our Church and pray to be saints like them.