St. Mary Magdalene was born in Magdala by the Lake of Gennesaret. Our Lord Jesus Christ cast seven demons out of her. She was a faithful follower and servant of the Lord during His passion, crucifixion, death, and burial. She stood at the Cross on Golgotha and lamented bitterly with our Mother St. Mary the Theotokos and St. John the Beloved. 

St. Mary Magdalene came early on Sunday morning to the tomb, with the other myrrh-bearing women, and saw that the stone had been rolled back. The angel appeared to them and told them that our Lord had risen from the dead. She went and told the disciples about the resurrection of the Lord. 

She received the gifts of the Holy Spirit and preached with the disciples. She helped many women to believe in Christ and become Christians. The apostles ordained her a deaconess to teach women and assist in their baptism. 

St. Mary Magdalene used eggs to explain to people the resurrection of our Lord. An egg looks dead, like a stone or a tomb, and then life comes out of it when the chick comes out. In the same way our Lord rose from the tomb alive. 

She received many insults and humiliation from the Jews, and she departed in peace while she was still serving with the disciples.